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Tuu Kaha
Tuu Kaha (Stand Strong) is a community for boys from year 2-8. We have awesome facilitators that will connect, develop and encourage tama to stand strong now and in the future! The sessions are full of karakia, korero, games, teaching and community - all with a Te Ao Maaori flair!
Details: Day/time: Tuesday afternoons 3:30-5:00pm for year 2-5, Friday afternoons 3:30-5:00pm for year 6-8 students.
Place: 18 Raleigh St, Leamington
Cost: Free
Contact: for registration info.
“..Kia tuu, kia oho, kia mataara, tihei mauri ora” – Stand, rise up and be vigilant – behold, the breath of life.

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