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Hilly Goodwin

Board Member

Kia ora koutou, 


I'm Hilly Goodwin. I originally hail from the west coast of the USA but have lived in Cambridge on and off now for the last 20ish years. I consider Cambridge my home, my people and my community.  

My husband, Richard, grew up here and we're now raising our two young boys here as well. We call Raleigh Street Christian Centre our home church where we actively connect with our church body and wider community.  


Personality-wise, I'm wired to 'get things done' - but not at the cost of losing out on a laugh, chat or deepening a relationship along the way! My skillset includes being able to strategically see things on a macro level, such as identifying a gap or issue in our community. This is quickly followed with a detailed plan on how to try to rectify that perceived gap. I have such a heart for our community so it seemed like joining the Mana Hapori board was a good fit for my personality.   


When I'm not hanging out with whānau and friends, I'm usually renovating our home or restoring something or tinkering or painting get the idea.  


Ngā mihi.

© 2025 Mana Hapori

Tū Maia

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